Mars Retrograde Period in year 2012

Astrology, as a rule states that all the planets bring struggle in our lives when they retrograde. This applies to Mars as well. Though things around might not seem good when Mars is retrograding, this can be used as a time for slowing down and reassessing our priorities. This is a time when our goals can be refurbished , if they are not meeting the target.

Mars retrograde generally frustrates us, there would be a gush of negative force that might work against our instincts. Clear thoughts free from impulsive behavior would help us to face the Mars retrograde phase with confidence. This is a time for self-improvement. To alter your life path if you need a detour or retune your life rhythms.

Mars retrograde guides us in knowing the realties in life and would not allow us to wander in a fiction world. A time to get rid of hidden vent up feelings and anger. This is a good time to improve the confidence in ourselves.

Getting to know the Mars retrograde periods would help us to arm us beforehand of the situations that we are to go through. We can be mentally prepared to handle the frustrations that come in hand with a Mars retrograde.

Mars Retrograde Dates

 - During the year  2012 , Mars Retrograde period is from 24 January 2012 to 14 April 2012 .

 - In the year  2012 , Mars Retrograde can be found in the month January and April.

Mars Retrograde Days

 Mars Transiting retrograde motion for about 81 days.