Dos and Don'ts for Jupiter Retrograde

When Jupiter is retrograde , keep these Dos and Don'ts in mind to get the most out of life:

Dos when Jupiter goes retrograde

•  Put your travel plans on hold, you might not reach your destination without hassles.

•  Go through your spiritual beliefs and make any amends if needed.

•  Listen to your inner voice always.

•  This is a good time to put your knowledge to use.

•  Always be ready to say "No" when you mean it.

•  Be cautious of all your moves.

•  Look to your innerself and change your thought process.

Don'ts during Jupiter Retrograde

•  Do not enter into a lawsuit, it could drag on endlessly or you might lose it.

•  Do not sign any contracts or agreements during this period.

•  Do not apply for higher studies when Jupiter is retrograding, you would not be able to get through.

•  Do not do anything during the hours ruled by Jupiter during the day.

•  Do not move to another country or travel for pleasure or business.

•  Do not be stubborn about your beliefs.

•  Do not do any foolish tasks that might tarnish your image.

•  Do not settle for anything less when Jupiter goes retrograde.

•  Do not say "yes" to anything you are asked for.

•  Do not be careless, you might end up in accidents and losses.

•  Do not start anything during the retrograde phase.

•  Do not take anything literally.