Stier - Luxe Vibes - Stier Sterrenbeelden en eigenschappen
01 Nov 2022
In astrologie wordt elk sterrenbeeld geregeerd door een planeet, en het teken Stier wordt geregeerd door de planeet Venus. Venus is de planeet van geluk en luxe. Stier is de eerste van het Aardeteken in de dierenriemopstelling.
The assertive Aries zodiac who always believe in
31 Oct 2022
Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, representing those born between March 21st and April 20th. Those born under the Aries sign are generally bold, ambitious and confident.
Taurus - Luxury Vibes - Taurus Zodiac sign and Traits
31 Oct 2022
In astrology, each zodiac sign is ruled by a planet, and the sign of Taurus is ruled over by the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of happiness and luxury. Taurus is the first of the Earth Sign in the zodiac line-up.
10 Nov 2021
Ang Aries ay madaling kapitan ng pagiging mapusok at walang pasensya pagdating sa paggawa ng mga desisyon. Kapag ang ibang tao ay nag-aalok ng mga ideya sa isang Aries, kadalasan ay hindi sila nagpapakita ng pansin dahil tila sila lamang ang nagmamalasakit sa kanilang sarili.
08 Nov 2021
Aries is prone to being impetuous and impatient when it comes to making decisions. When someone else offers up ideas to an Aries, they usually show little attention because they only seem to care about their own.