ill health, mental tension, worry from sons, wife and relations, some loss is also indicated.

Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 9 days

Expansion of education and knowlege, financial improvement, marriage or birth of child, favourable news in place of work and holy ceremonies at home.

Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 1month 9 days

Ill health due to swelling in joints, especially knee joints, loss of money, quarrel with son, fear of poison, trouble through women.

Venus Bukthi - 3 years 2 months

This is a brighter period. Promotion in job or favorable news in the place of work, happiness in family, success in undertaking, coming of wife's property and victory in disputes.

Sun Bukthi - 9 months 18days

Diseases due to poison of blood, theft, affliction in eyes, wife and children badly affected and mental suffering.

Moon Bukthi - 1 year 7 months

Loss of property and money, debts, changing of house due to dispute, enmity among relations, death of some important family member.

Mars Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days

Bad name, wandering or frequent transfer in job, serious illness, loss by theft etc.

Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 10 months 6 days

Increase of troubles, diseases in limb, insect bites, misery in every walk.

Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 12 days

Compartively this is better period, purchase of ornaments, physical comforts, success in expected matters, new friends and new position.

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