Not much compatibility would be found when a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman are in a relationship. Though the chemistry between them would be just ideal for a long term relationship, they need to prune their relationship now and then if it has to survive the tests of time. The Sagittarius guy's lack of commitment and flirting drives the Pisces girl to
nuts. Her dreamy nature and living in a fantasy world would throw the Sagittarius man out of gear. Lack of common focus drives them away from each other. It is however great when the duo are young and without any familial commitments.

Sagittarius Man-Pisces Woman Compatibility

Famous Sagittarius-Pisces Couples

• Martin Scorsese and Julia Cameron

• Gary Shandling and Sharon Stone

Compatibility for Romance

The Pisces woman would be full of romance and tries to woo her Sagittarius partner.

But he is not one to yield here, instead he has a passion and love for humanity at large. This drives the Pisces girl crazy. Hence compatibility in romance and passion would be lacking with this combination.

Compatibility for Friendship

The Sagittarius male and a Pisces female do not just make good friends. There would be no compatibility or co-operation in any area between them that they cannot survive as friends for long. Nothing that has a semblance for comradeship would be found here. These two just cannot stick together for long.

Compatibility for Marriage

The compatibility for marriage would be found lacking between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman. Marriage is a great challenge for this duo. Lack of focus and commitment and understanding just make them drift apart. Sagittarius is a happy-go-jolly-fellow who is not much associated with anyone while the Pisces girl just sticks to the Sagittarius partner like a parasite which annoys the Sagittarius guy. With time, the marriage shows signs of wear and tear..

Compatibility for Sex

Sex would also not be a compatible affair between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman in a relationship. Initially there would be much sex and sensuous acts. It would be taken as a sort of an outlet to let off their feelings. Sex is not a binding factor with this duo. With time, the act is completely taken off from their books..

The End game

The Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman in a relationship wind off the relationship easily. Only if there are mutual resources and children to be taken care off, then the separation turns bitter. All sorts of compromises from both the sides just aggravates the situation at hand. It would be a decelerating act for both then. Rating 3/10