There is a strong affinity between a Sagittarian and an Aquarian.Each makes a strong impact on the other alone when necessary. Both have an independent streak and need freedom.They will attract many people and share the resulting pleasure and reciprocal benefits.When these two get together they'll teach each other the abc's of amour through their terrific thirst for knowledge.
There's almost nothing that won't crop up in the conversations of this couple. Love will grow as these two discuss and debate from dawn to dusk.

Aquarius-Sagittarius Compatibility

Their intellectual rapport will be ravishing and they can communicate with each other till the earth goes flat. That'll give them a head start when they need to sort out any romantic wrinkles, because they'll understand each other. Sexually, Sagittarius is a sign that the Aquarian can really get to grips with.This pair is poised for stacks of sexual fun and games.Together they can embark on a congenial journey of emotional exploration,ambling down avenues of amor that other couples can encounter as cul-de-sacs.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)
Cancer(June 22 - July 22) Leo (July 23 - Aug 22) Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Sagittarius(Nov 22-Dec 21)
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

In general the above Generic compatibility analysis hold good for all zodiac signs. If you are looking for in-depth compatibility analysis or if you are a professional astrologer the below analysis of Zodiac signs Compatibility - between different gender of zodiac signs will give you detailed answer. Click the below link to learn more.

Aquarius Man

Aquarius Man Compatibility

Aquarius Man and
Sagittarius Woman

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Aquarius Woman and
Sagittarius Man