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Findyourfate  .  21 Dec 2022  .  8 mins read   .   5254

Neptune is a planet that is related to our psychic. This position in our natal chart indicates that area of our life that craves for sacrifices. Neptune’s influences are very vague, mystical and dreamy in nature. The house that Neptune occupies shows where the higher spiritual forces may make their presence felt, and where you are unrealistic.

The position of Neptune in the chart area highlights that part of our life where we ignore reality and would like to see something better and more meaningful. Neptune in the 10th house of the birth chart is said to be one of the best placements.

Neptune in the 1st House

Neptune's placement in the first house indicates that  you are more susceptible to subliminal influences. You're highly impressionable and intuitive. You rely more  on spiritual qualities than others. There can be self-delusion associated with this placement, and often there is a good bit of confusion regarding goals and directions in life. Natives with Neptune in the first house lack a definite self image and might drift apart in life. They might need external support and directions guidance. They would be the most psychic when compared o the other placements of Neptune.

The Positives of Neptune in the 1st House:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 1st House:




Advice for  Neptune in the 1st house:

Do not try to control others around.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 1st House:

Cristiana Ronaldo

Anne Hathaway

Alicia Keys

Neptune in the 2nd House

Neptune posited in the second house of the natal chart influences your relationship towards materialistic resources. Self-deception often influences spending and indulgence of sorts and the result may be over extension of finances. You may experience losses due to poor judgment and carelessness with your money. The slightest compromise with the truth can cause you much difficulty in money matters. Beware of get rich quick schemes that seem too good to be true, they ought to stay away from all kinds of speculative deals.

The Positives of Neptune in the 2nd House:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 2nd House:




Advice for Neptune in the 2nd house:

Avoid speculative and gambling deals.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 2nd house:

Isaac Newton

Carl Jung

James Franco

Tom Hanks

Neptune in the 3rd House

Neptune in the third house has an influence on your mental processes and the way you  with others. This placement shows a very intuitive mind,  and you are adept in communicating on a higher plane. It often suggests involvement in some way with mass media or with advertising.  Natives when young, may be subject to drifting and wandering, and a practical channeling of ideas and information must be developed and maintained. Insecurities in the early part of life are likely for this placement of Neptune in the 3rd house.

The Positives of Neptune in the 3rd house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 3rd House:

Absent minded


Not disciplined

Advice for Neptune in the 3rd house:

Do not let others interfere with your feelings.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 3rd house:

Kurt Cobain

Al Pacino

Kate Winslet

Keanu Reeves

Neptune in the 4th House

Neptune in the fourth house suggests a strong connection with personal security, your home life, and perhaps your mother and maternal relationships. This position of Neptune denotes strong and unconscious emotional ties with one's home and family. And one of your parent is likely to a psychic or a different type of personality.  There is a sense of uncertainty attached to the home environment, and this is often caused by some kind of abuse going on at home. You may have a strong desire to live near the water.  With age, natives may become more reclusive and withdrawn.

The Positives of Neptune in the 4th house:



Very complex

The Negatives of Neptune in the 4th house:



Advice for Neptune in the 4th house:

Understand yourself better.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 4th house:

Emma Watson

Jessica Alba

Sigmund Freud

Neptune in the 5th House

Neptune, in the fifth house points to  an influence on romance,  creativity and over children in life. This placement shows an intuitive gift for role playing. Perhaps you have a talent for acting, love of theater, the movies, or about any kind of fantasy life.  In relationships you are romantic, however it might be somewhat  confusing. Offspring are likely to be intuitive and highly sensitive, often requiring special handling and understanding. 

The Positives of Neptune in the 5th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 5th house:




Advice for Neptune in the 5th house:

Do not envy others.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 5th house:

Mick Jagger

Che Guevara

Demi Lovato

Mel Gibson

Neptune in the 6th House

Neptune in the sixth house indicates much involvement in work related affairs and an interest towards the health sector.  Natives with this placement of Neptune in the 6th house have an innate  spiritual compulsion to help. This placement denotes glamorous illusions relating to the work attitude.  You have difficulty concentrating on mundane jobs and attending to details. You have trouble getting organized and holding to practical objectives. Routine work can be boring for you.  Natives are drawn  to drugs, alcohol, and medications and should be cautious in this regard.

The Positives of Neptune in the 6th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 6th house:



Advice for Neptune in the 6th house:

Tend to the needs of others.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 6th house:

Mahatma Gandhi

Victoria Beckham

James Dean

Neptune in the 7th House

Neptune in the seventh house influences the way you interact with others, particularly in business, relationships or marriage.  This placement can produce idealistic and often unrealistic views regarding marital relations, and  all types of relationships. Sometimes there is a strong psychic link with the marriage partner, and there is usually a strong intuitive awareness of other people too with this placement of Neptune in the 7th house.

The Positives of Neptune in the 7th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 7th house:




Advice for Neptune in the 7th house:

Do what you love.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 7th house:

Amy Winehouse

Audrey Hepburn


Ashton Kutcher

Halle Berry

Neptune in the 8th House

Neptune in the eighth house indicates a link to the financial resources connected with others like  inheritances, taxes, insurance and company funds. This denotes unusual, secret, or deceptive circumstances surrounding joint funds, insurance, taxes, or legacies.  Natives might end up in losses and bizarre difficulties related to partners' finances or corporate money, through deception by either themselves or others. Be particularly careful with matters relating to taxation, the handling of insurance matters, and all legal dealings when you have Neptune placed in your 8th house.     

The Positives of Neptune in the 8th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 8th house:



Advice for Neptune in the 8th house:

Respect boundaries in relationships.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 8th house:

Jim Morrison

Whitney Houston

Elizabeth Taylor

Nelson Mandela

Neptune in the 9th House

Neptune, in the ninth house is very much related to matters  of higher education, philosophy, religion, and travel. This placement suggests a mind that is impressionable and highly intuitive. You are somewhat susceptible to embracing out of the ordinary religions or philosophies and would have an interest towards occult sciences.  In higher education, the study or teaching of the arts is likely. This position also shows confused interaction with in-laws caused by a lack of understanding of these individuals or their lack of understanding of you.  

The Positives of Neptune in the 9th House:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 9th house:



Advice for Neptune in the 9th house:

Do not be carried away by your dreams.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 9th house:

Marlon Brando

Robert Pattinson

Vincent Van Gogh

Jimi Hendrix

Neptune in the 10th House

Neptune placed in the tenth house of the natal chart has to do with the career pursuits of the native.  This placement of Neptune suggests  some confusion surrounding  the career, and it may be particularly difficult for you to settle on one. Your public image may not clearly reflect your actual persona or your  private self. You may aspire higher than you can reach, or the world may refuse to give you the credit you deserve for what you have done so far in life with this placement of Neptune.  

The Positives of Neptune in the 10th house:

Hard working



The Negatives of Neptune in the 10th House:



Advice for Neptune in the 10th house:

Spend more time with family.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 10th house:

Pablo Picasso

Gwen Stefani

Bob Marley

Clint Eastwood

Neptune in the 11th House

Neptune in the eleventh house denotes an influence upon your dreams, and those friends and organizations with whom you associate with in life . You are known to  indiscriminate socially. You may have a tendency to associate with people that are considered by normal standards to be very usual, and certain odd connections are made.  You're likely to be a schemer and a plotter. You dream big dreams and your hunches are often correct. Yet be sure your dreams are based on realistic and attainable goals.

The Positives of  Neptune in the 11th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 11th house:




Advice for Neptune in the 11th house:

Pursue your passions more.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 11th house:


Zayn Malik

Ellen DeGeneres

Lambert Wilson

Neptune in the 12th House

Neptune in the twelfth house of the natal chart has  an influence on your subconscious self. A twelfth house Neptune sometimes produces fears and neurotic problems arising from the past. There is a tendency to be deeply involved with the unfortunate side of life.  You may have a great compassion for people who are the outcasts of society, or those with physical or mental problems. This is an indicator of deep introspection and sometimes a cloistered life, many natives preferring solitude in later life. 

The Positives of Neptune in the 12th house:




The Negatives of Neptune in the 12th House:



Advice for Neptune in the 12th house:

Let your loved ones know that you care for them.

Celebrities with Neptune in the 12th house:


Nikola Tesla

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