Synastry Contact

Saturn Contacts in Synastry

When taking into account Synastry, Saturn is usually talked down upon and disregarded by Astrologists, and therefore seeking a relationship with a Saturn person is discouraged by Astrologists.

Saturn aspects restrict a relationship and do not allow it to be fun and passion derived. It is why Saturn people are less prone to flings and summer romances, as they are less likely to be fulfilled with an instant passion that goes as quick as it comes.

It can be seen as a negative, but why is that? Why is turning down short term relationships in hopes of pursuing a longer and more meaningful relationship looked down upon? Why do Astrologists encourage avoiding Saturn?

About Saturn People

The Romans viewed the Saturn God as the God of Agriculture, a deity dedicated to working and was very serious about it. It can also ring true for Saturn people. They are goal-oriented and are dedicated to achievements rather than love. They have a grounded and serious approach to life.

If you look at the planet Saturn, you can notice that it is cold and freezing, indicating that Saturn people tend to be cold and calculating. Saturn’s can come off as rude and hard to read due to the way they approach life.

The Negatives of Saturn Contacts

When you have a Saturn person in your life, be prepared for a whole lot of hurdles and challenges. All relationships are hard work, but it's just a tad bit harder when in contact with a Saturn.

Synastry aspects

Saturn people tend to focus on long term relationships rather than going for the short term, but such long term planning may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Saturn’s grounded approach can also feel suffocating and restricted. Saturn's, at worst, can be a heavyweight on us and make us feel as if we are wasting our time in the relationship.

At their worst self, Saturns can come off as unenthusiastic and uninterested when work or responsibility arises. It can be a determent to the relationship as every relationship needs that initial spark to last, swell and a hint of enthusiasm.

The way a Saturn contact can burden us can make the relationship lose all appeal. There is no fun in the relationship as Saturn people tend to take a more grounded and serious approach to life and, in turn, relationships.

Saturn often gives of mature energy, which can, in turn, result in the planets it contacts to feel it and feel a sense of responsibility. People may run away from this change and not be fond of the energy Saturn puts out if they are not ready to embrace adulthood just yet.

The Positives of Saturn Contacts

However, when it comes to Saturn Contacts, there is one thing you never need to worry about, and that is commitment. Saturn people will be committed. They will treat the relationship seriously if they deem it worthy of their time.

Saturn people will give off mature energy, which will be transferred to whoever they are around. It can be said that Saturn's make people adapt and change and, as a result, grow into a more mature and realized version of themselves.

Synastry saturncontact

Saturn will force you to abandon adolescence and embrace adulthood, and to most, this can be seen as a negative. However, it is a necessary aspect of life. The planets Saturn contacts feel this change in them and are better off having felt it. Saturn contact on other planets can be helpful in development.

The general consensus among Astrologists is that no matter what planet Saturn contacts, it will force them to change and evolve, whether it is Pluto, Mars or the Moon. It is not always a bad thing. Embracing adulthood is a necessary and important aspect of life.


Overall, it can be concluded that despite the negative connotations of Saturn, Saturn, if handled properly, can be a very necessary interaction to mature and develop. Whenever Saturn comes in contact with another planet, it causes them to mature. Therefore Saturn's shouldn't be avoided but should outright be sought after for a more fulfilling relationship and more compatible Synastry.