sun sign

Sun Signs:

Aries : Silly toothy smiles, wide grins, confident smirks, the most innocent and genuine smiles of them all

Taurus : Beautiful smiles, doesn't-like-showing-teeth smiles, subtle smiles, eyebrow-raised smiles, careful smiles

Gemini :  Smirk galore, I-Know-something-you-don't smile, smiling at a joke they told themselves in their head, wide and mischievous and cunning grins

Cancer : : Scrunched-up-nose smiles, cute and giggly smiles, covering their face smiles , biting their lips and fighting smiles, nostalgic and sad smiles.

Leo :  Radiant smiles, tilting-their-head smirks, flips-hair and smirks, confident smiles, that smile just before a laugh

Virgo : Graceful smile, half-hearted smiles, pursed lips leading into a smile, careful smiles, quiet -charm smiles

Libra : kind and pleasant smiles, admiring-someone's -beauty smile, small smiles, covering-their-mouth-while-laughing smiles, smooth and easygoing smiles

Scorpio : Smiling with eye contact, intimidating smiles with mixed signals, I-just-figured-you-out smirk, I-love-you-but-I-hate-you smile, quarded and intriguing smiles.

Sagittarius : Big and wide smiles, childish grins and enthusiastic smiles, let-me-tell-you-a-story with twinkly eyes smile, I-know-more-than-you smirk

Capricorn : Dry-humored eyes with sarcastic smiles, rolls-eyes kind of smile, wise-beyond-your-years smile, unsure smiles, business smiles, fighting-the -urge-to-smile kind of smiles

Aquarius :  Crooked grins, half smiles, silly-grins-to-make-you-laugh, inappropriate-timing smiles, "cool" smiles, empty smiles.

Pisces : Go-with-the-flow kind of smiles, sleepy grins, dreamy-eyes with shy smiles, quiet and irresistibly charming smiles, soft-hearted smiles, soft-hearted smiles, mystic smiles.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What brings an Aries to smile?

Lots of praise and bonfires make the Aries smile.

2. Describe the smile of a Sagittarius?

A Sagittarius' smile is wholesome, genuine, and has enough positive energy to cheer up the entire crowd around.

3. What makes a Leo smile?

Lots of adoration and children.

4. Which zodiac sign has the cutest smile?

Scorpio has the cutest smile and they are genuine ones.

5. Which zodiac sign gets happy easily?

Gemini is known to be the happiest sign on this list. They always tend to focus on happy emotions and avoid dwelling long on sad parts of their life.