sun sign

Sun Signs:

Aries : I'm sorry you chose to make me Mad!

Taurus : Stop being mad. I'm starving , Chinese tonight?

Gemini : If the totally unbiased panel of my voice in my own head does indeed determine I was in fact wrong then at that time I will ultimately apologize.

Cancer :  Well, when you didn't read my mind and know exactly how I felt without me ever telling you it hurt my feelings so if you can work on that in the future I suppose I'm sorry.

Leo : I'm sorry you've upset but it sounds like you might be jealous.

Virgo : I'm sorry that you feel that way but may be if you did things as I told you they should have been done, you wouldn't be in that situation right now. I care about your feelings but I told you so.

Libra :  I'm sorry that you misunderstood everything I said and got all sensitive about it.

Sagittarius : I apologize for the mean hurtful and accurate things I said to your sensitive ass.

Capricorn : Honestly I just hope you learned from this. This could have been a very costly lesson, I hope you understand me better now.

Aquarius : Who told you to let me hurt your feelings.

Pisces : Well I know I'm wrong but you need to admit you were wrong too and this is just like you remember in 4th grade when you didn't lend me your toothpaste at camp, I'm sorry but why?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How would a Gemini apologize?

Before they say, 'I'm sorry,' Geminis want to talk things out to understand the whole story of what happened, what went wrong, and what recourse there is for their actions.

2. Which zodiac forgives easily?

Pisces is the most forgiving zodiac sign of all. They're highly sensitive water signs who see life through rose-colored glasses. They believe everyone is inherently good, so forgive easily.

3. What sign holds grudges?

Cancers are extremely sensitive water signs and they tend to always want to revisit the past and due to this quality, Cancers tend to hold on to grudges for a very long time.

4. How do Taurus say sorry?

They will genuinely sit in front of you and apologize from the bottom of their heart and they may also give you something expensive to woo you.

5. How does Leo apologize?

Even though they might not actually say the words, "I'm sorry," you can expect a fruit basket or tickets to a concert in the next few days. That's how they apologize.

6. Can Scorpios say sorry?

Scorpions would say sorry when they really are. Otherwise, they won't apologize easily for some casual things.