2026 Equinoxes and Solstices

2026 Equinoxes - Solstices

The Solstice

The solstices and equinoxes and the seasons that we experience exist because the axis of rotation of the earth is at an angle of 23.4 degrees to the vertical axis. A solstice is an astronomical event that takes place twice each year when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole of the Earth. The word solstice is got from the Latin word "Sol" meaning Sun and "Sistere" meaning to stand still. The solstice would be either the longest day or the shortest day of the year because it is the length of the time between sunrise and sunset in the summer and winter respectively.

On the other hand, an Equinox is an astronomical event that takes place twice in a year, mostly on 20 March and 22 September, when the axis of the earth is inclined neither away nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as that of the Equator of the earth. Equinox means "equal days and nights", that is the length of the day and the length of the night would be equal in timing.

Spring Equinox

- March 20th, 2026, 7:48 am - PDT

Equinox means " equal " day and night (12 hours each). It is a time for balance. Use this opportunity to refresh the level of grace and harmony in your life.

Summer Solstice

- June 21st, 2026, 1:27 am, PDT

At the summer solstice, we have the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The nature reaches its full maturity. Time to go out to connect and to have fun.

Fall Equinox

- September 22nd, 2026, 5:07 pm - PDT

Equinox means " equal " day and night (12 hours each).It is a time for balance. Use this opportunity to refresh the level of grace and harmony in your life.

Winter Solstice

- December 21st, 2026, 12:52 pm - PST

At the winter solstice, we have the longest night and the shortest day of the year. The nature goes to sleep. It is time for us to go within as well, to purify body and mind, and to enhance spiritual awareness.

2025 Equinoxes and Solstices