2013 Meteor Shower


The Quadrantids are easily visible January meteor showers. The entire activity of the Quadrantids runs from January 1 to 5, 2013. The radiant of this shower is inside the constellation named as Bootes. This name comes from Quadrans Muralis, an obsolete constellation that is now part of Bootes constellation.
It lies between the end of the handle of the Big Dipper and the quadrilateral of stars marking the head of the constellation of Draco. Adolphe Quetelet of the Brussels Observatory discovered this meteor shower in the 1830s. Then shortly afterward it was noted by several other astronomers in Europe and America.

Peak of the Quadrantid Activity in 2013

The peak of the Quadrantid activity in 2013 is expected during the night of 3rd January, 2013. The Quadrantids are easily visible January meteor shower. The meteor rates exceed one-half of their highest value for about 8 hours . This means that the stream of particles that produces this shower is narrow - and apparently deriving from and within the last 500-years from some orbiting body. The parent body of the Quadrantids has beeen identified as the minor planet 2003 EH1. The radiant of this shower is an area inside the constellation Bootes.

Perseid Activity

The maximum of the Perseid activity in 2013 is expected during the night of the 12th August 2013. The Perseids is the name of a prolific meteor shower. The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the peak in activity being between August 9 and 14, depending on the particular location of the stream.


The Leonids are a meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle, which is visible between the 14th and 21st of November 2013. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo. The meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky. The Leonids tend to peak in the month of November every year.

Leonid Activity

The maximum of the Leonid activity in 2013 is expected during the night of 17th November 2013. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower. It tends to peak around November 17, but some are spread through several days on either side and the specific peak changing every year.

Delta Aquarids

Delta Aquarids - At its peak about 20 bright yellow meteors can be observed per hour. Because these meteors nearly broadside the Earth, their speed is a moderate 25.5 miles per second.


The Capricornids are characterized by their yellow coloration and their brightness. They are slow interplanetary interlopers, hitting the earth's atmosphere at around 15 miles per second. Though There would be around 15 meteors per hour at best. The Capricornids are noted for producing brilliant fireballs.


Draconids - They exhibit a peak rate of 10 yellow meteors per hour under clear sky conditions. These are fairly slow meteors, coming in at 12.5 miles per second. They radiate from the head of the constellation Draco. They are also known as the Giacobinids.


Orionids - This meteor shower produces about 20 yellow and green meteors per hour, which move at 41.6 miles per second and are known to produce fireballs. They radiate from near the Orion's red giant star Betelgeuse.


Taurids - This meteor shower consists of two streams, the North Taurids and the South Taurids. It produces about 5-10 bright yellow meteors per hour. They enter the earth's atmosphere at about 17 miles per hour. Taurid meteors radiate form the sky from near the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus.


The Geminids - are characterized by their multi-colored display consisting of 65% white, 26% yellow, and the remaining 9% blue, red and green. They come in at a moderate speed of 21.75 miles per second. They are bright and often produce fireballs. They radiate from near Gemini's bright twins, Castor and Pollux.

Date Meteor Event
Jan 01 - 05, 2013 Quadrantids 2013
Jan 03, 2013 Peak of Quadrantid meteor shower 2013
Aug 12, 2013 Peak of Perseid meteor shower 2013
Nov 14 - 21, 2013 Leonids 2013
Nov 17, 2013 Peak of Leonid meteor shower 2013
July 27 - 29, 2013 Delta Aquarids 2013
July 29 - 30, 2013 Capricornids 2013
October 8 - 9, 2013 Draconids 2013
October 20 - 22, 2013 Orionids 2013
November 5 - 12, 2013 Taurids 2013
December 12 - 14, 2013 Geminids

Meteorshower 2013

Meteorshower 2014