Flags - Astrology and Numerology

newzealand-flag New Zealand

The latest flag of New Zealand was adopted on 1869 but however the first of its kind was adopted by the United Tribes of New Zealand on 9th March 1834.The present flag of New Zealand was initially used in the government ships used for trade and Naval purposes.

Though several attempts have been made since 1973 to change the flag of

New Zealand, it was all of vain for most of the people didn't wanted to change. The flag of Great Britain and the Southern Cross are the two important features of the New Zealand flag. Basically the colour of the flag is blue which represents the blue Pacific Ocean surrounding the country. The upper hoist side of the flag represents the flag of UK and the other half of the flag has four red five pointed star bordered with white represents the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta stars of the constellation of the Southern Cross. It also symbolically indicates the countries location on the South Pacific Ocean.

Astrology says that the star is also connected with the symbol of good sheperd.The five-pointed star, if drawn with points of equal length and angles of 36° at each point, is sometimes termed a golden five pointed star. If the colinear edges are joined together a pentagram is produced, which is the simplest of the unicursal star polygons, and a symbol of mystical and magical significance. The golden five-pointed star is a very common ideogram in the western world, and has particularly strong associations with military power and war thus signifying the military of New Zealand. Astrological star is a symbol of light meaning bright future. Thinking of the Star, first of all, gives each of us the feeling that we are shining with light. Actually, shining beings - each of us. In this state we feel secure but free, and can be more loving, more accepting of other people. By associating ourselves with the Star symbol, we are thinking of ourselves at the simplest, finest, level. As nothing but light, in fact. And just as the demonstration of our loving nature, even just a smile to a passer-by, can brighten other people's lives - can totally alter the course of a day for them - so letting the Starlight shine from our hearts has a way of touching them inwardly. The star is generally said to symbolize all our hopes and aspirations. It means balance between the gifts of life and our gift to life.

newzealand-astrology and numerology

Red is active, daring, passionate, and optimistic. It enhances alertness and encourages activity. Red is held to be the most intense colour, the furthest from both black and white, and it is noteworthy that those languages which only have words for three basic colours always select black, white, and red. The red colour according to astrology signifies passion, warmth, vigor, strength and vitality which are also the nature of the Nepalese. Red being related to fire and blood it is considered to be symbol of heat. It is even believed that red is the first color used by human beings. Blue is idealistic, rational, honest, and tranquil. The dark blue colour is also considered more sociable. The colour blue and its importance were derived from the skin colour of Lord Krishna, who is revered as the divine flute player. The special energy of the second Moon was considered 'blue' or divine by Indian religious scholars and priests. Blue symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, honesty, tranquility, and peace. Blue is a symbol of cold for it is related to sky and deep sea. The white colour is precise, critical, and sincere and in the New Zealand flag it is used as the symbol of purity. Apart from the above astrology about colours the Ancient and Heraldic traditions much symbolism is associated with colors. The colors on the New Zealand flag represent the following, White - peace and honesty Red - hardiness, bravery, strength & valour Blue - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice.

According to numerologists, each number possesses a certain power that exists in the occult connection between the relations of things and the principles in nature which they express. The four number of stars in the flag may indicate the simplest solid object - a tetrahedron - has four sides; hence four denotes solid matter in general and the Earth in particular, as the Earth is a solid object bounded by four cardinal points (North, South, East and West). Time is another concept strongly associated with four, on the grounds that the year has four seasons and the month has (roughly) four weeks; Christian-oriented observers also note that the life story of Jesus is told in four gospels, each of which is in turn linked to one of the four classical "elements" of fire, air, earth, and water.