Taurus Rules : the throat and the neck, which includes the vocal chords, tonsils and palate.
Health habits : Taurus's taste buds are keen, and they thoroughly enjoy good food. They may have a tendency to put on weight, as they get older. Taureans are particularly vulnerable to colds, coughs, sore throats, laryngitis, swollen glands, stiff necks, and to minor injuriesaround the neck. Moderate exercise and good diet should be a strict discipline in every Taurean's life. You tend to eat fattening foods, to be sluggish and indolent, and to dislike exercise. You may suffer from puffy eyes and jowls, and your face is apt to get heavier as time goes by.
When they get physically tired or overtensed, they tend to get coughs and stiff necks. Taurus also rules the thyroid gland, which can cause serious weight problems if it is malfunctioning.
Taurus's cell salt is sulphate of sodium, a mineral that controls the amount of water in the system.Eat : It is very important to maintain a diet low in starch, fat, and sugar, because so many Taurean's have to fight the battle of the bulge. Sodium sulphate is present in the liver, pancreas, and the hormones of the kidneys. An imbalance of this mineral in the body can cause bloating, symptoms of congestion around the thyroid gland, and a feeling of being waterlogged.Some foods that contain this mineral are asparagus, beets, cauliflower, horse radish, spinach, cucumber, onions, pumpkin, raw nuts and cranberries. You should also drink plenty of water to help keep your system flushed out.
To keep the thyroid functioning at its best, Taureans should eat food with natural iodine, such as fish and seafood. Other foods that will help keep you healthy are eggs, liver, kidney beans, wheat germ, fresh fruit and green salads.
Don't Eat : Carbohydrates have a way of turning into fat in a Taurean's body, and should be avoided. Heavy, rich foods should also be avoided.
The earth element rules the skeletal and eliminatory systems. The earth element is essential for growth, reproduction and repair of tissue. Earth signs tend toward weight problems, tumor growth or glandular disorder. Overeating and a diet of heavy foods create excess earth, which is aggravated by lack of exercise and sedentary habits. They often have beautiful strong teeth.
The earth signs have strong sense impressions and thrive on contact with the earth. Theirs is a strength of endurance and persistence. They are more resistant to transient colds and flu than fire or air signs.
Excess Earth
Excess earth is prone to heaviness in the body and sluggishness in the system, and the struggle to overcome inertia. Their digestion and metabolism are slow, increasing density of body tissue−i.e. thick skin, sclerosis, calcium deposits, tumors and increased body hair.
Low Earth
Low earth needs grounding. These people tend to ignore their bodies and are not instinctive about what they need. They need routines that stabilize them and give a sense of security. They need more sleep than other elements, and benefit from physical contact with the earth.
Note: The health information given above is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. The information is given for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. www.findyourfate.com or its owners are not responsible for any mishaps that occur as a result of using this information.