Leo Rules : the spine, the back, and the heart. The heart is associated with warm emotions, the back with courage.
Health Habits : Leos have robust constitutions, supple spines, and good coordination. They are usually excellent dancers and athletes. Leos often push themselves so hard that they suffer strain from overexertion and nerves. Their upperback tires more easily than other parts of their bodies.They are also subject to pains and pressure around the heart. Leos are noted for their longevity.
Leo's ruler, the Sun, has always been associated with the heart, back, and spinal column. It also influences the spleen and the entire body's vitality. The sign of Leo is characterized by growth, vitality, and good health. As a rule, Leos live healthy lives, however, they must learn to slow down in later years to avoid the risk of heart attack.
Leo's cell salt is magnesium phosphate, which keeps the motor nerves in top functioning order and is also necessary to the formation of the skeletal structure.
Eat : Magnesium phosphate forms blood albumen and maintains the fluidity of the blood, and activates the digestive enzymes. Foods that contain this element so important to Leos are whole wheat and rye products, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, figs, lemons, apples, peaches, coconut, rice, seafood, beets, asparagus, and egg yolk. Foods that aid the circulation and have blood-making properties include beef, lamb, poultry, liver, fresh fruit, salad greens, cheese, whole milk, and yogurt. Foods rich in iron, such as spinach, raisins, and dates, are recommended for Leo. Plums, pears, and oranges can help reduce heart strain.
Don't Eat : Time does catch up with them, and they must learn to eat correctly and cut down on fatty foods.
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or overstimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy.
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods.
Note:The health information given above is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. The information is given for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. www.findyourfate.com or its owners are not responsible for any mishaps that occur as a result of using this information.