Guru Peyarchi Palangal (2023-2024) - Effets de transit de Jupiter
22 Apr 2023
Jupiter ou Guru transite le 21 avril 2023 a 17h16 (IST) et il se trouve que cest un vendredi. Jupiter passerait de la maison des Poissons ou Meena Rasi au Belier ou Mesha Rasi.
Guru Peyarchi Palangal (2023-2024)- Jupiter Transit Effects
05 Apr 2023
Jupiter or Guru transits on the 21 st of April, 2023 at 05:16 PM (IST) and this happens to be a Friday. Jupiter would be moving from the house of Pisces or Meena Rasi to Aries or Mesha Rasi.