Halloween is a festival that has now come to vogue with much funfare, celebrations, feasts and frights, tricks and treats. It is celebrated on the 31st of October every year. It is said that it is observed as All souls day by the churches around the world in order to avoid this pagan celebration.

In ancient times the Celtics observed the feast of Samhain which was the Feast for the dead. It also marked the start of the Celtic calendar or the Celtic New Year. During this feast prayers were said for the dead. It is said that during this time the Pleaides was just opposite to the setting sun. The Christian background for this was it was a time when prayers were said for the salvation of the departed souls.

Halloween  Astrology

In course of time, Samhain came to be celebrated as Halloween the world over. In earlier times festivals were usually celebrated from the evening of a day to the evening of the next day as we now celebrate Xmas Eve, New Year's eve and the like. In a similar sense the festival of the dead and the ghosts was called as All Hallows Eve and in course of time condensed to form Halloween.

Halloween comes between the Autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. Halloween marks the time when the clime changes from spring to the cold and dark winter. Hence it has a spooky connotation attached with it. A time when creepy and crawly things come out into the open!

The halloween costumes have the following legend associated with it. It is said that on the Halloween day the fairies and demons visit the earth. In order to avoid getting in their trap or to placate them people disguise themselves in various costumes so that the ghosts do not recognize them. A time to fool the fairies and ghouls. Children light up candles inside hollow pumpkins just to keep the evil spirits at bay.

Wishing all a Be"witching" Halloween's Day!!

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