
A general rule is to plant from the new moon to the full moon. However, the day before the new moon,is favorable for seeds that will need strong roots, and plants needing transplants. Translplanting of plants is best done when the moon happens to be in the sign Cancer.

Cancer is probably the best sign for planting, but the other water signs of Scorpio, and Pisces are also excellent. Taurus and Capricorn are good second runners. Libra is good for flowering plants. The rest of the signs are good for other things regarding the growth of the plant.

Gardening Astrology

Compensate for the elements

Fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are very rough. It is better to do a rough job on those days like digging, weeding.

The air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are great for planning your garden, like where to put each plant and the like. The same is true for the sign Aquarius. I love to plant flowers when the moon is in Libra.

Virgo is the sign of the harvest. When it is time to weed, thin, cut back, or harvest, look for a Virgo moon. A Virgo moon is also a time to plant and care for herbs.

You will find that when you align your activities in this manner, that your activity is smoother, more natural, and very relaxing and your plants and garden look great.

The Fertile Signs

The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are considered female and fertile. Planting when the Moon is moving through one of these six signs will result in hardier plants, greater yields and larger produce or flowers. If possible, choose to plant on a day when the Moon is in a water sign.

Since water nourishes the earth, the earth signs are also very hospitable to lunar energies. They are the best second choice for planting, after the water signs. Virgo can be the last choice of the six signs because it's the least fertile, even though the virgin is best for corn. Fire and air signs are infertile and should be avoided when planting vegetables. Flowers do well when planted when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra, an air sign, because these are linked to Venus, the planet of beauty and fragrance.

The essentials of gardening by the phases of the Moon are matching the specific plant with the proper phase of the Moon. The quarters of the Moon are as follows:

First Quarter Moon: Plant plants that mature with the edible part growing above ground and form seeds on the outside of the plant.

Second Quarter Moon: Plant plants that mature with the edible part growing above ground and form seeds on the inside of the plant.

Third Quarter Moon: Plant plants with the edible part growing below ground.

Fourth Quarter Moon: Not good for planting.

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