A planet that occupies its house of natural rulership or falls within 5° of an angle is said to be accidentally dignified. The term is also applied to planets in angular houses and to the most elevated planets in a horoscope. Accidental Dignity is also called as Accidental Fortitude.

In the field of astrology, accidental dignity occurs when a planet or other celestial body is posited in a house of its natural rulership.

Accidental rulerships are as follows:-

  • The first house corresponds with the sign of Aries, so if Mars is posited in the first house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The second house corresponds with the sign of Taurus, so if Venus is posited in the second house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The third house corresponds with the sign of Gemini, so if Mercury is posited in the third house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The fourth house corresponds with the sign of Cancer, so if Moon is posited in the fourth house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The fifth house corresponds with the sign of Leo, so if Sun is posited in the fifth house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The sixth house corresponds with the sign of Virgo, so if Mercury is posited in the sixth house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The seventh house corresponds with the sign of Libra, so if Venus is posited in the seventh house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The eighth house corresponds with the sign of Scorpio, so if Mars or Pluto are posited in the eighth house then they are accidentally dignified.

  • The ninth house corresponds with the sign of Sagittarius, so if Jupiter is posited in the ninth house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The tenth house corresponds with the sign of Capricorn, so if Saturn is posited in the tenth house then it is accidentally dignified.

  • The eleventh house corresponds with the sign of Aquarius, so if Saturn or Uranus are posited in the eleventh house then they are accidentally dignified.

  • The twelfth house corresponds with the sign of Pisces, so if Neptune or Jupiter are posited in the twelfth house then they are accidentally dignified.

Essential Dignities:


This is synonymous with sign or domicile. In other words, a planets home. For instance Mars is at home in the zodiac signs of Aries or Scorpio. The domicile lord acts as the advocate for the issues of that house. All the domicile lord can do is guarantee a hearing. It can do this by being in its own domicile or by being received by another domicile or exaltation lord, or by itself being exalted. If the lord for this subject is in aversion, then there can't be a hearing for the issue. If the lord is in one of its own places, then a hearing is all but certain. This lord in essence determines whether a given issue has any possibility for manifestation, but it does not itself decide the outcome of that issue.


A planet in exaltation is like an issue with great merit that will likely draw a hearing on the subject. A planet opposite its exaltation essentially falls out of sight and is not easily perceived by the cosmic soul. Because it is not perceived, it is judged not to have any merit and any possibility for manifestation is likely to be dismissed out of hand.

Term or Boundary

Each sign is divided up into 5 sections averaging 6 degrees called boundaries and belonging to one of the 5 visible planets excluding the lights. In most cases the malefics have degrees at the end of the signs and the more fortunate planets come at the beginning. The ideal order of the bounds is usually the trigon, exaltation, house lord, then the bounds of the 2 malefics. Bound lords were used in determining length of life because they represent the boundaries of existence.


Each sign belongs to a trigon based on one of the 4 elements: fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Because the ram belongs to the fire trigon, in the daytime the Sun is the trigon lord, but at night, the Sun hands over this lordship to Jupiter which is also a fiery planet but less so than the Sun. There is a third lord that assists, in this case Saturn. Saturn assists the fire trigon because it is of the diurnal sect but it is not truly fiery.

Face (Decanate)

These are the 3 equal divisions of a sign into 10 degrees. The planets are then assigned in descending chaldean order beginning with Mars for the first 10 degrees of Aries. There are 36 faces. The decanates do not act as dispositors because they are personal property and not a form of "realty" as are the other dignities.

Related Links

• Houses in Astrology

• Decanates