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Tektite are small, black blobs that might pass for hardened bits of asphalt but they are actually walnut-sized glassy stones. They commonly take on distinctive regular shapes like teardrops, dumbbells, and strangely flanged buttons that look like

the tops of large rivets with the stems melted off. They're called tektites, and they are found strewn about on the ground in widely separated "fields" around the world, the largest of which covers most of Australia. Tektites are among the "driest" rocks, with an average water content of 0.005%. This is very unusual, as most if not all of the craters where tektites may have formed were underwater before impact. Also, partially melted zircons have been discovered inside a handful of tektites.

Tektites are usually translucent and occur in a range of colors from green to brown. Their surfaces are usually uneven or rough, with a distinctive lumpy, jagged, or scarred texture. Tektites are still poorly understood. They are irregularly- and at times intricately-shaped nodules and blobs of a glassy substance. They have no crystal structure, and are therefore similar to obsidian, but are not associated with volcanic processes. Their chemistry is unique and somewhat unexplained.

The leading theory concerning their origin is the "Meteorite Impact Theory". It is postulated that many odd events occur during a meteor's impact because of the tremendous heat and pressure produced. Tektites may be fused glass that formed during an impact of a meteor with layers of rock on the Earth's surface. The odd and diverse chemistry of the tektites could be a result of unique meteorites hitting unique rock types with the combinations producing particular effects.

Some tektites, called Moldavites, are especially prized for their clarity and unique green color. Moldavites are found in a "splash field" centered around Moldavia in former Czechoslovakia and are believed to have come from a meteorite crater in Germany. Moldavites are sometimes cut as gemstones or put into jewelry as natural uncut pieces to show off their often eerie and beautifully intricate shapes.

Physical Properties:


Tektite Birthstone

Crystal System
Specific Gravity
5 to 6
Middle and Far East, Phillippines, Polynesia, USA, India, Russia
All, corrects spinĀ , also Brow

Sign of Tektite:Sagittarius


Fevers, Capillaries, circulation, psychic surgery.Tektite can be used for all autoimmune problems, skin disorders and for draining illnesses.It is protective against fire and storms if buried near your front and back doors. If you live in an apartment it should be buried in a plant pot within the apartment. Use tektite for all star magic.


A meteorite from outer space, traditionally Tektite has been worn as a fertility talisman. It can reveal past lives and those lived on other planets or planes. Said to encourage extraterrestrial communication and spiritual growth through absorption of higher knowledge, Tektite helps to let go of undesirable experiences, remembering the lessons learned. It takes you deep into the heart of a matter, promoting insight into the true cause and necessary action. This stone strengthens the biomagnetic envelope around the body and balances male-female energies within the personality.


Tektites occur in broad bands in specific localities in different parts of the world. Notable Occurrences include Moldavia region of Eastern Europe; Thailand and southeast Asia; Australia and Georgia, USA.