None of the celebrities on this site have authorized their presence here, this site is not associated with them or their companies in any way. All of the information and images about celebrities on this site have been gathered from the Internet and are believed to be public domain.

If there is an image or content on this site that has copyright then the owner of the copyright can e-mail us. Then we will remove the picture from this site or put copyright information below the picture if the owner agrees.Also we can't be held responsible for the correctness of the celebrity data found in our website. Information on this Web site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. All information are for personal viewing and enjoyment. Information may be changed or updated without notice. This Web site does not constitute an offer or contract.

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All of the pictures/images on this site have been gathered from the internet or in any other way, none of the images have been produced or scanned by ourself neither do we have the copyright on any of these images, therefore if the copyright owner of any of the pictures on this website has a problem with us having these pictures here, please email us and we will remove the images from this website. Alternatively if the copyright owner can support us with their latest picture, we will be highly obliged to display the same in our website.

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