Forensic Science - Eligibility


Candidates with a background in science subjects can pursue a career in forensic science. The minimum education required is a bachelor's degree in a physical or applied science such as clinical laboratory science. However, advanced degrees are desirable and are available at a number of different universities.

Following employment, training is available from many agencies including DEA, FBI, California Criminalistics Institute, and at Regional Societies' meetings. Active participation in professional organizations and continuing education is highly recommended. Certification in specialized areas is highly desirable.

In many states, a bachelor degree in clinical laboratory sciences is considered a highly desirable credential for employment as a forensic scientist.

An inquisitive nature and a concern for accuracy is the main attribute required to be in this field. They must have keen observation, intelligence, an eye for detail, ability to work along with a team, a logical, practical and methodical approach. An aptitude for scientific analysis is essential.

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