Monthly Horoscope for April ,2023

Aries Monthly Horoscope
Lie low, be quiet, avoid competition, seek your soul and pamper your health, especially for all this month, when your energy hits bottom. That energy returns somewhat later on for a successful period, when you can accomplish a lot in communications, social, friendship, romantic, creative, sexual, investment, travel, learning or teaching, and speculative areas. With the Sun in your sign, things shall soon fall in your favour. You might be falling in love and wonder about it. Wait until the end of the month onward to pronounce yourself in or out. Meanwhile, smile and enjoy the goodness of spring around. Money, shopping and wooing are lucky these days. And love and marriage is faintly headed toward disruption around the last few days of the month, hang in there.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope
For the next four weeks your social life has an odd undertone. Could simply be that you mix with charitable, governmental, spiritual or management types, but it can also bring you someone with whom you will share a deep, meaningful secret. Could be an extramarital or collusive situation, just take care. Your home luck continues great for this month, and you are healing, Taurus, but wait until the end of this April onward, to buy real estate or start any security, family or similar project. A wish will come true as the month progresses, beware of false illusions around too.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope
Continue to focus on your career, your reputation and standing and relations with VIPs all this April, Gemini. But wait until the middle of the month onward to launch anything new, because anything that you start beforehand might end up being futile.You are entering a brand new career or ambition cycle, and the old might have to fall apart first A project you start these days faces a hard future, so do not start it. Social happiness hovers around and so would be your spiritual satisfaction. Retreat occasionally, lie low, rest, avoid competitive situations. You will feel a strong sexual pull for the days ahead. Avoid the socially unacceptable these days and be very careful with investments.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope
You wont notice it overnight, but you are going to be released soon from a long period of frustrating trek through a jungle of difficult investments, emotional shocks, and unstable relationships. Within a year, half year, you will look back and say, ah, life has grown more solid, more predictable and this April would be a great game changer time for you. Do not start a legal, far travel, media or educational project for now, it will hit an insuperable barrier. Your career or prestige soar luckily these days, show your stuff. Social delights fill the month. The four weeks ahead prompt a love or hate attraction, beware of your calling in relationships.

Leo Monthly Horoscope
This April holds a momentous switch in direction, although it wont be apparent overnight. Your relationships will lose their long confrontational aspect during the course of this month. Instead, until the end of the month, love and business relationships, marriage, contracts, agreements, will take a quieter, deeper route, will veer into areas of lust, shared money, secrets, health, investments, research or discovery and consequences. An unwelcome marriage or pregnancy is on the cards for some Lions. This whole area will flare into magnificent, volcanic, dangerous crescendos this month on. Add to the volcano, a romantic or creative or speculative hurricane, and you have a notion of your future, you are in for a roller coaster ride.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope
With this April starts a period of relationship excitement for good or bad. There would be a good streak of romantic courage and sexual attraction, these days. It also brings a time in which determination is welded to creativity, so this is the time to begin that invention, great screenplay, etc. However, remember that your luck and charisma are still a bit inward until this month ends, so go slow with these, think of brewing rather than making big showy announcements. Prepare, be discreet, work quietly.

Libra Monthly Horoscope
For Libras, this April romance quiets down, but love stabilizes. Your work situation will soon undergo a series of mildly electric or mildly surprising changes. And now begins a four week period in which you might break off a relationship thats become outdated. One that has not given you any viable security. This is an ideal time for all sorts of pruning in personal and professional areas. The same four weeks makes you temperamental on the home front, so be gentle but this period favors new domestic projects, house repairs, etc. If single, you might be attracted to a very cozy romance, be cautious here.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
A flurry of paperwork, details, errands, trips, and general busyness breezes in this April, and wont die down until late April. This is a period of heightened activity bringing intensity and adventure with it. You might meet romance on the internet, or while on an errand, on the bus, etc. The planets around will also give enlivening shock treatments to your creative, child teaching or raising, speculative and pleasure seeking pursuits, too. Some of you will change partners over the next few weeks, a much awaited one on the cards for quite some time now. Some will set up house with a romantic partner. Be wise all these days though.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
This April is going to be a wonderful time for your domestic affairs, Sage. You might feel a little unstable or restless, might change residences more than once. You will need much fresh air to combat tension or stress. Odd, fascinating people will enter your home. Enjoy them, dive into the happy side of this trend by holding home poetry readings, or political meetings, bring the world in. And now begins a period of rapid money flow, you will collect much more, make sure you do not spend more. Loves beautiful these days, good tidings are in store for you now.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Lists, errands, paperwork and communications proceed smoothly this April for the Caps, hit obstacles later on though. This whole sector will grow unpredictable in the days to come , yet will also become a source of income. There would be huger unwelcome expenditure lying for you. Your sexual magnetism soars through this April and so does your determination, courage and executive skill. You can take charge and move ahead. You will swiftly quit untenable situations, and build new bases, in business, relationships and home matters. Domestic, real estate, family and soul concerns flow with luck these days. Romance calls on you, meet it on the doorway.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
Your income situation will change, soon and quickly through the course of this month. Earnings will increase or decrease as the month moves on, depending on your control. Do not invest impulsively, quit work impulsively, etc. Do not start a money project these days as you are going to land on a puddle. Applies for this month and the next few ones too. You will spend more on technology, and would get update yourself, this has been long on your agenda. From late April, strictly avoid gossip, dark alleys and fights. Do not make an enemy at work place, you would be having sleepless nights. Keep a secret. A sweet friend shows up from nowhere around the end of the month much to your surprise and joy.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope
Your energy, charisma and effectiveness hit a peak this April, Pisces get out, solve important dilemmas, take a stand, make a confession or concession, remember these too take courage, energy and more importantly an initiative on your part. By mid month , you will enter a period of excitement. By the month end , a grey cloud will lift from your domestic situation. You will enter a time of assertiveness, determination and your sexual magnetism will soar sky high. Now starts weeks of hectic socializing. A money wish will come true. Your money luck surges mid month. This April is also a good time for improving your relationships. Many trends are coming around.