Zodiac Concepts Capricorn

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 | Aries  |  Taurus  |  Gemini  | 

 |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  | 

 |  Libra  | Scorpio| Sagittarius |

 |  Capricorn  |  Aquarius  | 

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Capricorn- Vaasthu concepts

The house of a person born in the first phase Capricorn, will be south facing and frontal lane will proceed from east to west. In front of the house there will be water–place or a temple, and trees will exist on the outer periphery of the house. House owner's wife's brother–in–law and his own brother–in–law will die soon after entry into such a house.

Capricorn Phase 1

The house of a person born in the first phase f Capricorn, will be south facing and frontal lane will proceed from east to west. In front of the house there will be water–place or a temple, and trees will exist on the outer periphery of the house. House owner's wife's brother–in–law and his own brother–in–law will die soon after entry into such a house.

Capricorn Phase 2

The house of a person born in the second phase of Capricorn will be on such a place that will lead from south to east, and the house will be east-facing. There will be an abode of fire in the direction of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn signs. Family deity will be a male God whom family members will worship.

Capricorn Phase 3

A person born in the third phase of Capricorn, will have his house in a lane, and the house proceeds from east to west. There will also be a garden and attractive bushes near the house in the west, and the house owner will be having two mothers–in–law.

Capricorn Phase 4

The house of the person born in the fourth phase of Capricorn, will be posited in a lane.The door to the house will be in the west, but the entry will be from east–facing side. Lane, in front of the house, will proceed from north to south. The house–owner will have two maternal and paternal uncles each, but he won't have wife's brother. On the north–east or south-east corner will either be a temple of Shiva or a water reservoir. The owner of the house may be belonging to paternal side.

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