Cancer Compatibility

Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope 2018

Cancer Compatibility for 2018

The 7th house of marriage and love relationships is well-placed for Cancer natives in year 2018. Hence compatibility with partner would be an easy affair for now. Life would be a lot happier and better than the previous years. However be prepared for occasional ups and downs too.

This is a good time to try out new relationships and partners in order to live in a compatible environment. Unconventional self-arranged relationships would be the order of the day for this period. However as the year moves on, some instability is likely to be ensued through the course of the year. There might be sudden changes in your compatibility environment with partners through the course of the year. The planets might be playing with you on this matter though.

Best and Worst compatibility signs for 2018

Your most compatible signs for 2018:

    Taurus, Virgo

    Scorpio, Pisces.

Your least compatible signs for 2018:



Best and Worst love match signs for 2018

Best Cancer Love Match for 2018:



Worst Cancer Love Match for 2018:

    Aquarius, Libra


Not a good time for the aspiring ones to get married. Better wait for the year to end. If you are in a relationship do not plan to tie the knot either. Some of you who are in a bad incompatible relationship would find the time ripe to get rid of the same.

This year, you would be become more sociable and would be attracted to intellectual personalities who are quite compatible with you. You would be more protective of your partner, however would be quite dependable on them. Your mothering and nurturing nature however makes sure that you stay in compatible relationships for long through the year.

Scorpios and Pisces natives who are quite passionate make compatible partners for you through the year. Compatibility come naturally here as both of them are watery signs. Capricorn would also be a good bet as they are highly reliable and dependable.

Aries cannot get along well with you as they are too hurting and independent in nature and Libra's indecisiveness might make you go nuts. You might get into a compatible relationship with another Cancer, but make sure that you do not stunt the growth of the other thus marring the relationship.

Leo seems to be selfish to you and Aquarius is an aloof character, not one to make up a compatible relationship with you this year. Geminis just bore you down with their constant chatter and Sagittarius' sense of freedom and independence just bothers you a lot.

Taurus might be compatible with you as they give you security and stability in life and Virgos also help you to balance life on a positive note.

In year 2018, January and September to December would be the ideal period to forge compatible relationships or settle down in marriage. Some of you Cancer guys likely to finally settle down with a Pisces or Sagittarius for now.

Neptune would be transiting your 7th house of relationship and marriage and hence a good time for forging relationships. Neptune has the dubious distinction of covering up of real things, beware for now.

Related Links

• Cancer Friendship Compatibility

• Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope 2019