2017 Sagittarius Planetary Influences


The planetary placements for the year 2017 would be highly favorable and beneficial for Sagittarius natives. Jupiter would be in your 9th Solar house of Leo till August 2017 which shows a harmonious period for the natives. A good time for self-indulgence, where work and play get equally placed in your life. You would set up new targets and come out successful reaching them in destined time limits.

And then Jupiter would be entering Virgo in August 2017. This would bring about a sense of dynamism in Sagittarius natives. Your abilities would be recognized and some of you might be hogging the limelight for the next one year period.

Saturn in Gemini from the start of the year till June 2017 would bring about major challenges, hindrances and obstacles in your relationship areas. Learn your inner potential and channel your internal energy properly to come out unscathed from these issues. In June 2017, Saturn would be transiting to your Solar 8th house of Cancer. This would release some pressure off you, but then life still would not be a bed of roses for Sagittarius guys. The focus would shift towards feelings and emotions which are unheard of in the life of Sagittarius people. A sense of emotional discipline comes and this bring out a new you for the year 2017.

Chiron would be in the second Solar house for Sagittarius natives in year 2017. This would bring about some of your negativity to the foreground. You might feel insecure and inadequate in terms of skills and talents. Do not lose heart, hone up your abilities. Financials also might meet a setback thanks to your over- indulgence in the previous season.

Uranus would be spending its days in Aquarius, your Solar third house till March 2017.This would help you to grow more emotionally satisfied in life. Once Uranus shifts to Pisces in March, you would feel a sense of purpose in life. You need to make a major shift regarding your personal life but do not rush up things for now. Go slow and steady, with one step at a time.

Neptune would continue to play havoc with your life as it did in year 2016. There would be a mental shakeup occasionally. Some of the real truths in life would now come out to the fore.

Pluto is also not favorably disposed for Sagittarius natives in 2017, but then by this time, you would have developed a callous attitude towards the same. It brings about varied events in life which would improve your experiences in life in a more positive way. Pluto would guide you to make some major decisions as there would be less pressure around you for this year.