Welcome to the www.findyourfate.com directory of astrologers. This is a free service to all the Astrologers out there. Your free listing in our online directory is your gateway to astrology on the Internet, and a key part of our commitment to the community of astrologers.

Name: Raymond Merriman
Address: PO Box #38613, Los Angeles,90038
City: Not Declared
State: canada
Country: Canada
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Urania Trust
Address: Huan House 17 Rossiters Hill Frome Somerset ,BA11 4AL
City: Not Declared
State: London
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: (44)01373467528
Mobile: (44)01373467528
Fax: (44) 013 734-73853
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Arlan Wise
City: Not Declared
State: us
Country: United States
Phone: 508-645-9292
Mobile: 508-645-9292
Website: www.vineyard.net

Name: Maria Kay Simms
City: Not Declared
State: canada
Country: Canada
Phone: (818) 761-6433
Mobile: (818) 761-6433
Website: www.earthlink.net

Name: Karen Boesen
City: Not Declared
State: us
Country: United States
Phone: (45) 382-87376
Mobile: (45) 382-87376
Fax: (45) 382-87376
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Anita Ings
Address: The Secretary PO Box 515 Waterford QLD 4133,4133
City: Not Declared
State: australia
Country: Australia
Phone: 02 9681 6992
Mobile: 02 9681 6992
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Andrew Foss
City: Not Declared
State: London
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: (017) 9452-4178
Mobile: (017) 9452-4178
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Ronnie Dreyer
Address: 8306 Wilshire Blvd., PMB 537, Beverly Hills, CA 90211,90211
City: Not Declared
State: canada
Country: Canada
Phone: (800) 578-2326
Mobile: (800) 578-2326
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.afan.org

Name: Roy Gillett
Address: Unit 168, Lee Valley ,N17 9LN
City: London
State: London
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: (44) 181-880-48
Mobile: (44) 181-880-48
Fax: (44) 181-880-49
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.breatheinternet.com

Name: Ian Usher
Address: PO Box #141 Semaphore South Australia 5019 ,5019
City: Semaphore
State: South Australia
Country: Australia
Phone: (618) 8449-76
Mobile: (618) 8449-76
Fax: (618) 8242-2180
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.chariot.net.au/

Name: American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)
Address: PO Box #22040, Tempe, AZ 85285-2040 ,AZ 85285-204
City: Not Declared
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Phone: (888) 301-7630
Mobile: (480) 838-1751
Fax: (480) 838-8293
E-Mail: [email protected]

Name: Dennis Harness
Address: PO Box 2149 Sedona, AZ 86339,AZ 86339
City: Sedona
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Phone: (520) 282-6595
Mobile: (520) 282-6595
Fax: (520) 282-6097
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.sedona.net